List Koalas as Endangered Species

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: The Honorable Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister Australia

Chlamydia, an infection normally found in humans, is taking a huge toll on the koala population and rendering them infertile. Although it isn't fatal, it causes problems such as upper respiratory infections, conjunctivitis, and in many cases, infertility. About 40% of Australian female koalas are now infertile.

Currently there is no vaccine. We ask that you intervine by implementing stategies and listing the koala as an endangered species. Left untreated, this epidemic may lead to the extinction of the koala in as little as a few decades.

The Hon Julia Gillard MP

Prime Minister
PO Box 6022
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Tel: (02) 6277 7700
Fax: (02) 6273 4100

Email the Prime Minister


Chlamydia, an infection normally found in humans, is taking a huge toll on the koala population and rendering them infertile. Although it isn't fatal, it causes problems such as upper respiratory infections, conjunctivitis, and in many cases, infertility. About 40% of Australian female koalas are now infertile.

Currently there is no vaccine. We ask that you intervine by implementing stategies and listing the koala as an endangered species. Left untreated, this epidemic may lead to the extinction of the koala in as little as a few decades

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