Impeach Pelosi First
Because the Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, has failed to take her oath of office seriously we signatories are asking the House to vote to either impeach her or replace her with a Representative who will take his or her oath seriously.
We the undersigned are aware that every member of congress takes an oath to preserve, uphold, and defend the U.S. Constitution, and we believe that Nancy Pelosi, in particular, as Speaker should be held to that oath of office. We do not believe it was Ms. Pelosi's prerogative to take impeachment off the table; we hold it was her duty to vigorously demand impeachment as this imperial presidency continues to wage war upon our constitution and our civil rights. Since the year 2000 we have seen nearly every one of our civil rights under assault: our constitutional freedom from unwarranted search and seizure, our rights requiring a writ of habeas corpus, and our freedoms of assembly and free speech.
We The People of the United States who have been endowed with certain inalienable rights do hear-by appeal to the House of Representatives to recall Ms. Pelosi and/or Impeach Ms. Pelosi as to ensure those rights as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution and give us a Leader who will Up-Hold the Constitution of the United States of America and all the responsibilities thereof.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
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