In January 2009, Animal Aid, a UK charity, started to film secretly inside Britain's slaughterhouses. They gathered footage from seven red meat establishments all of which were randomly selected and found terrible suffering and many breaches of animal welfare laws in six of them. They recorded animals being improperly stunned and going to the knife whilst still conscious. Sheep were slaughtered with their lambs still suckling. Pigs were kicked in the head and face. Sheep were dragged by their fleeces and ears and thrown roughly around the slaughtering pen. Pigs had electric tongs inserted in their mouths out of malice, to deliver painful electric shocks. Out of the 767 pigs slaughtered over the three days of filming at A and G Barber, almost ALL were not adequately stunned or were incompetently killed.
We are calling for CCTV to be installed in all UK slaughterhouses and for the footage to be made available to independent parties outside of the slaughterhouse.
As a result of their investigations, one slaughterhouse lost its supermarket contract, another has closed permanently, and legal action has either been taken or is underway against nine workers and four slaughterhouse operators.
Watch the video and see the cruelty and abuse inflicted on the animals by slaughter house workers not following the correct procedures and inflicting gratuitous cruelty on the animals. We then very kindly ask you to please sign the petition which we will forward to James Paice MP, Minister of State for Agriculture and Food.
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