Help Save Hawaii

  • av: Protect Hawaii
  • mottagare: All those concerned about public health, wildlife and the environment
This petition requests the US Military to cease further actions destructive to public health, wildlife, and environment on the beautiful Hawaiian Islands, as well as demands complete restoration of all contaminated areas, as well as the testing and treatment of all citizens adversely affected.

To:  The United States Military

We, the Undersigned, hereby request:
(1) the presence of current personnel and equipment of all Brigade Combat Teams be removed from

(2) all such Brigade Combat Teams personnel and equipment (Strykers and other vehicles of war used to kill human beings) be prohibited from being stationed in the Hawaiian Islands in the future;
(3) the immediate testing for Uranium contamination, in compliance with all US Army regulations, of all military sites where live-fire ammunition has been used on the Hawaiian Islands;
(3) that Pohakuloa Training Area, Schofield Barracks, and all sites found to be radioactively contaminated be REMEDIATED and RESTORED promptly; again, in full compliance with all US Army regulations;
(4) prompt medical testing and treatment be provided free of charge at the request of any and all citizens who believe they may have been exposed to radiation poisoning, as per Army regulations;

(5) a swift and corrective revision of the Stryker Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), as the current Draft EIS omits  radiation monitor equipment make, model and specifications, operating personnel qualifications and list of isotopes identified in the aerial survey with regard to radioactive gamma readings at Forty-five locations.

With regard to the Environmental Impact Statement of the 2/25th Stryker Brigade Combat Team
we also urge all persons to oppose the stationing of a Stryker Combat Brigade Team in Hawaii by writing  an e-mail prior to October 30, 2007, to: PublicComments(at) .
We urge all individuals to refer below to the additional information further clarifying our concerns and expectations.
We, the Undersigned, call for the above out of concern for the health and well-being of Hawaiian residents and visitors, as well as the preservation of   health of the environment and wildlife on the
Hawaiian Islands.

Thank you kindly for your time and assistance in working to keep the beautiful Hawaiian Islands clean, safe, and healthy. 

  • In the Stryker Draft Environmental Impact Statement, (EIS) Forty-five separate locations showed Gamma levels higher than normal.  This Environmental Impact Statement is in violation of the required Army EIS protocol. We request, therefore, an amended EIS be released to the public on the World Wide Web showing the exact locations of the Forty-five areas mentioned  in the Stryker Draft EIS where Gamma levels were higher  than background levels, as well as the proper required information for all  Environmental Impact Statements, namely: the qualifications of the  operator,  the make, model, and specifications of all radiation  monitoring used, the  aircraft make and model used, and the Isotopes detected.

  • All live-fire test areas used throughout Hawaii must be tested for the presence of environmental radiation, with interested members of the general public permitted to be present at all such tests, with all results and details concerning these tests made available to the general public on the World Wide Web.

  • With  regard to the  2/25th Stryker Brigade Combat Team Draft Environmental  Statement, we maintain that the Stryker Brigade must NOT be  stationed in Hawaii for the following reasons:

  • (a)  Vehicles traveling off-road will cause the radioactive materials to become airborne.

  • (b)  Stryker vehicles, as well as other combat vehicles used overseas in the Middle East that return to Hawaii, will be contaminated with radioactive Uranium, which will spread the radioactive contamination in Hawaii.

  • (c ) As stated in the Draft EIS, the permanent positioning of the 2/25th Stryker  Brigade Combat Team in Hawaii will have a significant impact on soil  erosion, water  resources, wildfire management, cultural and spiritual  resources, land use and  resources, hazardous materials and waste,  noxious weeds, threatened and  endangered plant and animal species, noise, and air quality.

  • (d)  The state's tourism industry would suffer more with increased militarization, adversely impacting upon land, and creating further environmental destruction, as well as continued degradation and contamination of the Hawaiian Islands.

  • (e)  Military chemical toxics and hazardous contaminants have already adversely affected Hawaiians public health. Additional military presence would only further compound the current public health situation.

  • For  additional  resources, please visit:

       Protect Hawaii     and


Army Environmental Impact Statement for the Stryker Combat Brigade placement in

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