help grandparents stop c.p.s from hurting there grandchildren!

people need to foght back  cps is destroying the lives of our familys, they are evil and descremanate against familys for placement they use unfounded and inconclusive information against our family's not to place the grandchild with them and than placing them into a home were they can be hurt both emochionally, and phyically, the other grandparent's cut the other side of the family off from there Granddaughters because they have controll and custody, never thinking how this could effect the child in the long run! anger hurt pain uncertanty miss trust inserecurity, heart ack beyrayl, this is what they are offering these innocent babies! they need to have a realachionship with both sides of there family, not just the fraternal side' they love us are innocent and scared to loose us! please sighn this petichion for the sake of not just zoey and kaylee but for all the children out there that have a God given right to have both sides of grandparent's in there life! this kind of thing were a judge can order that one set of grandparents can see the grandchildren but not the other side need's to stop now! custody battles sholdnt allow this kind of hurt tho the grandparents and there grandchildren!Thank you ' and god bless  ps help lift this grey cloud off our heads!
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