End the Trade in Wild Caught Birds in South Africa

South Africa plays a central role in the rampant legal and illegal trade in wild birds, threatening many species' long term survival, killing thousands of animals, and creating biosecurity risks to agriculture and public health.

We the undersigned call upon the Republic of South Africa to implement an immediate moratorium on the import and export of all wild birds until such risk can be effectively studied, remedied or eliminated.

Note: Learn more about the wild bird trade and efforts to stop it at: WPT's FlyFree website
We the undersigned call upon the Republic of South Africa to implement an immediate moratorium on the import and export of all wild birds until such risk can be effectively studied, remedied or eliminated.

South Africa plays a central role in the rampant legal and illegal trade in wild birds, threatening many species' long term survival, killing thousands of animals, and creating biosecurity risks to agriculture and public health.

We encourage the Republic of South Africa to take a leadership position on this issue to illustrate to the world their concern for wildlife, and the conservation of threatened and endangered species.
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