Help Free Journalists Amanda Lindhout & Nigel Brennan

We the undersigned, call on the Canadian and Australian Governments, the Honourable Prime Ministers Steven Harper, Kevin Rudd, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Lawrence Cannon, Stephen Smith, and both Parliments, to aid and facilitate the timely release of its citizens, freelance Canadian, Amanda Lindhout and Austrailian, Nigel Brennan.

On August 23, 2008, Canadian journalist, Amanda Lindhout, 27, and Australian pohotojournalist, Nigel Brennan, 37, were seized by armed Somali Hawiye clan kidnappers at gunpoint, just outside the Somalian capitol of Mogadishu. They were en route to a Afgoyee refugee camp nearby to report on worsening conditions in the region. Three Somalis, photojournalist/fixer Abdifatah Mohamed Elmi, and two drivers, kidnapped with them, were released in mid January of 2009.

Both Amanda Lindhout, and Nigel Brennan, are being held against their will in dire conditions, and are in need of medication, fresh water and food. Their health is rapidly deteriorating.  We ask respectively, that their situation be given the highest priority.

We appeal to both Canadian and Austrailian governements as well as any interested world government or parties, to work together in securring their imminent release.

We, the undersigned, wish to thank both countries, world goverments and interested parties for reading this petition, and for any resolution that results in the safe return of both Amanda and Nigel, to their respective families and homes.

Please write or email your local government MP's personally on Amanda & Nigel's behalf.

In Canada:
Prime Minister Steven Harper Contact info:

PM Harper on Twitter:

Minister of Foreign affairs Lawrence Cannon, website & contact information:

In Australia:
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd contact information:

PM Rudd on Twitter:

Minister of Foreign affairs Stephan Smith, website & contact information:


Heightened fears over the fate of Amanda Lindhout & Nigel Brennan
Above source: Reporters Without Borders For Press Freedom.

"I Hope when Amanda sleeps, her dreams take her to a place where she can hear our prayers, and know she is not alone."
Quote by Paul MacPhearson, found online.

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We the undersigned,  petition Canadian & Australian Government, the Honorable prime ministers Steven Harper, Kevin Rudd and both Parliments to aid and facilitate the timely release of its citizens, Canadian journalist, Amanda Lindhout and Austrailian photojournalist, Nigel Brennan.

On August 23, 2008, Canadian journalist,  Amanda Lindhout, 27, and Australian pohotojournalist, Nigel Brennan, 37, were seized at gunpoint just outside the Somoli capitol of Mogadishu. They were en route to a Somoli refugee camp to continue reporting on worsening conditions in the region. Three Somolis, photojournalist Abdifatah Mohamed Elmi, and two drivers, kidnapped with them, were released in mid January of 2009.

Both Amanda Lindhout, and Nigel Brennan, are being held against their will in dire conditions. Bound, and in need of medication, fresh water & food, their health has rapidly deteriorated. We fear for their very lives and ask respectively, when being held against ones free will for close to ten months, at what point Canadian, Australian or any citizens of the free world, can expect to receive help from their home Governments?

We appeal to both Canadian and Austrailian governements as well as any interested world government or parties, to work together toward securing their imminent release.

We, the undersigned, wish to thank both countries, world goverments and interested parties for reading this petition and any resolution brought to this situation, that results in the safe return of both Amanda and Nigel, to their respective families and homes.

"Help Me": Kidnapped Bundaberg Photographer's Desperate Plea

Above link source: ABC.Net Austrailia.

Canadian journalist fears she'll die in Somalia unless government helps.

Above link source: CBC.CA

"I Hope when Amanda sleeps, her dreams take her to a place where she can hear our prayers, and know she is not alone."
Quote by Paul MacPhearson, found online.
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