Exclude Veolia from all contracts that Leeds City Council awards

Veolia is a French multinational corporation deeply complicit in Israels violations of international and human rights law. It assists Israel in its illegal occupation of Palestine. The company operates around the world under various pseudonyms including Connex, Onyx, Cleanaway, and TMM.
Veolia, by providing services to illegal settlements in Occupied Palestinian land, is complicit in grave breaches of international and human rights law committed by the state of Israel:
1. Veolia is involved in the development of a tramway line in illegally Occupied East Jerusalem, linking illegal settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory;
2. Veolia operates in illegally Occupied Palestinian Territory, servicing settler bus routes, on roads built on stolen Palestinian land and access effectively denied to Palestinians in the Occupied West Bank;
3. Veolia operates a 33 hectare landfill site, the Tovlan landfill, in illegally Occupied Palestinian Territory, servicing the occupier and dumping waste on the occupied.

Leeds Palestine Solidarity Campaign

We, the undersigned, demand that Leeds City Council exclude VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES from the list of contractors approved to bid for the proposed incinerator facility in the city because of Veolias complicity in the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory.
1. The United Nations Human Rights Council on 14th April 2010 expressed its grave concern at The Israeli decision to establish and operate a tramway between West Jerusalem and the Israeli settlement of Pisgat Zeev, which is in clear violation of international law and relevant United Nations resolutions;
2. Veolia is a leading partner in the CityPass consortium and have been involved in building a light rail tramway system linking Israel to illegal settlements in occupied East Jerusalem; the operation of bus routes linking other illegal settlements; and the operation of the Tovlan landfill site in the illegally occupied Jordan Valley;
3. Veolias involvement in these projects is in contravention of the UNs stated demand that Israeli settlement activities and occupation should not be supported.
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