Demand the monkey killers at University of KwaZulu-Natal be brought to justice!

As reported in the media - On Sunday 11 September 2011, a monkey appearing to have a broken spine and in severe pain, tried to crawl away from its attackers - in vain. He had been beaten to a state of near-death by a group of students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) who finished off their horrific act when they realised he was still alive.

It all started when the students from the UKZN's new residence "Howard college campus" entrapped the monkey when they saw him enter the communal kitchen through an open window. The culprits then closed the window and started beating the monkey with a stick until they thought it was dead.
They then carried the near-dead monkey to a cricket field and when the monkey tried to crawl away, they killed the animal. 
It has been reported the monkey was crying so loudly, it could be heard inside some of the residence blocks.

South African Animal Rights Activists Community (SAARAC)
We the undersigned want justice to be served for the senseless,  brutal and cruel killing of a monkey on your premises by your students.
They must be punished to the fullest extend of the law and your institution's code of ethics.
"All being tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life.See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do.? - Buddha 
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