Caylee's Law

In July of 2008, Caylee Marie Anthony was reported missing by her grandmother who told the cops that she had been missing for 31 days. Her mother Casey insisted she was kidnapped by the nanny and she had been conducting her own investigation. Caylee's body was recovered in Dec 2008, while her mother Casey Anthony sat in jail on charges of felony murder. On July 5,2011 Casey Anthony was found not guilty of all charges other than lying to law enforcement her defense was that her daughter had died in the family swimming pool and the death had been covered up by her father and herself. Had  federal laws been in place, Caylee may have found some justice.  The laws need to change:

Any parent or caregiver that doesn't report a child under the age of six, missing if that child has been missing more then one hour, is guilty of felony child neglect. 

Any parent or caregiver who falsely reports the circumstances of an accident or injury a child under the age of six, is guilty of felony child neglect.

Let's make an impact, don't let Caylee's death be in vain. Real names please, the only way to truly make a difference is if this petition actually gets put into the correct hands and that can not be done if there are false names on it
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