Bring Back the Lost Boys!

  • av: Leapatra
  • mottagare: Owners and Management, Georgia Renaissance Festival
The Lost BoysBring Renaissance Rock and Roll back to the Georgia Renaissance Festival (GARF)! The Lost Boys will not be returning for another season in "Newcastle" this year. The management of the Georgia Ren Fest decided not to include the Boys in Blue in their 2008 season. Now we need your help to get the Boys back where they belong -- on stage, in the Pub Sing, and at the gate at GARF!
We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the Lost Boys be invited back to the Georgia Renaissance Festival for the 2009 season.
Since 1999, thousands of people across the country have joined the "Teal Nation" of Lost Boys fans. In 2007, the Boys were voted #3 Renaissance Musical Group in the US by readers of Their MySpace profile boasts over 900 friends and nearly 20,000 profile views. People all over the US want the Lost Boys -- especially thousands of Georgians, Carolinians, and others who make the trek each year to GARF!
Who could forget the Lost Boys' high-energy stage show, tight harmonies, and one-of-a-kind garb? How many thousands of people have laughed at Tom's quick wit, been amazed at String's unbelievable violin solos, or sung along with the Boys' catchy tunes?
The Lost Boys are as much a part of the Georgia Renaissance Festival as turkey legs, English accents, and the King. We hope you will bring the Boys back home to Newcastle in 2009.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
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