The most important Thing you can do to help end the Seal Hunt is to boycott all Seafood Products from Canada until the commercial Seal Hunt ends forever.

Residents of the United States and the European Union can look for the Country of origin Label (COOL) at their Grocery Store or Seafood  Retailer to identify all Seafood Products from Canada.

Residents of Canada who purchase Fish at the Retail level will have to ask the Seafood Manager or Retailer to identify which Products come form Canada. Canada has no Country or Origin Laebeling Regulations.

The Red Lobster restaurant chain is the world's largest purchaser of Canadian seafood and, in particular, seafood sold by Canadian sealers. For this reason, organizations are doing all they can to convince Red Lobster to help end the Canadian commercial seal hunt by boycotting Canadian seafood. So far, Red Lobster has refused to do so.


 Seafood from Atlantic Canada


snow crab
turbot lobster
sardines cold-water shrimp

These can be dried, salted, smoked, canned, fresh or frozen. They are sold in grocery stores where they SHOULD (according to US law) be labeled as coming from Canada. They are also sold in restaurants and cafeterias.

So, if you eat seafood at restaurants or cafeterias, be sure to ask where it's from... and BOYCOTT CANADIAN!

One of the major points we'd like to emphasize in regards to this boycott is the importance for ANYBODY INVOLVED IN OPPOSING the annual seal killing to realize how closely tied the fish and seafood industry is to the seal product industry. This is precisely the reason why a targeted boycott for seafood can be effective!

Some major brands and companies to boycott are:

Acadian, Atlantic Pearl, Bay Shore, Blue Royal, Breakwater, Brunswick, Cape Cod, Canadian Cove, Century Seafoods, Classic (from Beothic), Clearwater, Deep Sea, Doyle, Fisherman's Finest, Fishery Products International (FPI), Fogo Island, Harbour View, Highliner Foods, Island Pride, Luxury (from Beothic), Northland, Notre Dame Seafoods, Ocean Choice, Ocean Elite, Ocean Leader, Ocean Queen, Ocean Select, Oram's Choice, Quinland, Quin-Sea, Sea Best (from Beaver Street Co.), Seafreez, Sea Fresh, St. Paul's, World Catch, and, lastly, Violet brand


Information on specific companies involved:

Not only are many fishermen also sealers, but one of the largest seal processors, Atlantic Marine Products, is owned by the Barry Group, the largest seafood processor and exporter in Newfoundland. The Barry Group sells mostly cold-water shrimp, lobsters, snow crabs, herring, and mackerel. Two of their biggest customers are Red Lobster and Long John Silvers.

Another large fish processor is Independent Fish Harvesters, Inc., owned by a group of fishermen. This company, located in Brigus, sells frozen cooked snow crabs mostly to the Carolinas, Florida, and the West Coast of the U.S. They sell to such distributors as Beaver Street (Jacksonville, FL), which markets snow crabs under the label "Sea Best" and World Catch (Seattle, WA), which sells snow crabs in 2 lb. boxes. They also sell to grocers which sell them under their own store brands. Sometimes they also sell to Singleton, a subsidiary of ConAgra based in Florida.

Another large seafood processor is Fishery Products International. They sell cooked, frozen cold-water shrimp, sometimes breaded. They are sold frozen in 1, 2, or 5 lb. bags and labeled FPI. In addition to exporting to the U.S., they sell these shrimp in the U.K. at such stores as Marks and Spence.

Another company called Notre Dame Seafoods, Inc., located in Twillingate (tel. 709-884-1260) sells cold-water shrimp to a distributor with offices in Los Angeles and Seattle, Washington. They intend to increase distribution to the U.S. next year. Check for Notre Dame Seafoods or NDS on shrimp packages.


 Nutritional Supplements

The following products are made from murdered baby seals:

Terra Nova, Canomega, and Omegavite

These are all omega-3 fatty acid capsules . . .

Although these particular seal products are ILLEGAL in the USA, international seal protectors should be sure to AVOID them.

And, we bet you guessed we were going to tell you this:

There are many excellent ALTERNATIVES to baby seal oil as a nutritional supplement. Here are 2 ideas:

Flax seed oil, which is sold in capsule form and a liquid that can be added directly to food (sold in natural food stores, the natural food sections of major groceries, and in the pharmacy area of WalMart). Hemp seed oil, with a nutty flavor, sold in liquid form. This is harder to find but is available on the internet. Also available are packages of ground hemp seeds and various products made from hemp seeds. This may come as a disappointment to some, but you can't get high from hemp seeds :}

Seal Pelts

Seal pelts are ILLEGAL in the US, but seal loving Americans should certainly boycott fashion houses that sell them including:

Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Birger Christensen, New Vogue, and Vogue Furriers

Besides participating in the boycott yourself, you can help by writing letters to these companies protesting their use of seal pelts.

The Odette Leblanc Collection: They say the following about their products: "Composed of a complete line of very unique seal fur products.. Ranging from small accessories to full length coats, you will surely find the ideally suited item you've been looking for or even been dreaming about owning!"
Odette Leblanc
022 de l'%uFFFDcole Rd.
Pointe-aux-Loups, %uFFFDles de la madeleine PQ G4T 8B1
Tel: 418-969-9385

Petit Nord: They sell children's seal fur hats, boots, mittens.
E-mail: Use form at

: Makes/sells sealskin boots.
4509 Coloniale Avenue
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. H2T 1V8
Tel.: 514-844-3067
Toll free: 1-888-667-2527
Fax: 514-844-3066

4) Don't Visit Canada!

Write a letter to the government agencies that oversee tourism in Canada and let them know that you will cancel your travel plans or refrain from making any vacation or business plans to visit their province. Tell them that you will withhold your travel dollars until Canada permanently ends the seal slaughter. Although the major focus of the boycott is on the seafood industry, the more financial impact that can be brought to bear upon Canada, the better.


Canada Tourism Commission
55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 600
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6L5
Tel: (613) 946-1000

Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism
Attention: Web Master
P.O. Box 8700
St. John's, NL
A1B 4J6
Tel: 1-800-563-6353
E-mail form:

 Please tell Prime Minister Harper that you boycott canadian Seafood, Maple Syrup, and that you dont visit Canada until the Seal Hunt end forever!



Please sign the Petition and take a Moment to  share it with your Friends!

Thank you!


 the undersigned, _______:

   writing to express our condemnation of the commercial seal hunt. It has become apparent that the Liberal Government of Canada holds no regard for the welfare, or the very survival of the harp and hooded seals species.Your recent decision to authorize the slaughter of more than a million seals over the next three years is outrageous and indefensible. Already, in 2002, you allowed more than 307,000 animals to be slaughtered - the highest kill level we have witnessed since 1967.

We was horrified to learn of the 2001 report produced by an international team of veterinarians, which concludes that up to 42% of seals are skinned alive. It is deplorable that the Department of Fisheries and Oceans received this report, and still has refused to address the problem. Furthermore, I am aware that more than 660 thoroughly documented violations of the Canadian Criminal Code and Marine Mammal Regulations, including the skinning of live seals, have been submitted to the DFO -and that they have refused to lay a single charge in response.

Equally unacceptable are the recent revisions to the Marine Mammal Regulations, which call for the return of large vessels to the hunt, the establishment of licenses for culling seals, and the reopening of the hunt for blueback hooded seals. Moreover, rather than addressing the problem, the revised MMRs actually legitimize the established practice of shooting several seals prior to ensuring each one is dead.

It is absolutely unacceptable that the federal government of Canada has so deliberately and recklessly encouraged the decimation of a wildlife population that is beloved by people all over the world. Recent polling clearly shows that close to 80% of Americans and Europeans oppose the seal hunt, with a substantial number willing to boycott Canadian products and tourism as a result.

Certainly, your recent actions will guarantee a severe international backlash. We demand that you act according to the will of the majority of Canadian people, 85% of whom believe that seals under a year of age should be protected from all hunting.

End this cruel and unsustainable hunt for harp and hooded seals permanently. Until you do we boycott canadian Seafood, also we boycott the 2010 Winter Olympics in Canada.

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