Bike Lanes For Broad Ripple Avenue, Indianapolis, IN

Broad Ripple Ave is scheduled to be repaved in 2009.  The current plan does not take into account bike lanes or improved pedestrian ways.  Green Broad Ripple (a local non-profit community organization) will soon be approaching the city and request to 1.) delay sending out the construction bids, 2.) to review the current design, and 3.) to consider incorporating bike lanes and enhanced pedestrian ways.  Signing the petition below will show the city that people are truly interested with incorporating bike lanes in Broad Ripple.
We, the undersigned, request a review of the design for the rework of Broad Ripple Ave (project 9981080) between Keystone and College Avenues prior to the bidding process in order to determine the feasibility of accommodating bicycle lanes and pedestrian ways within the scope of the project.
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