Ban Military's Torture of Animals

  • av: Peta
  • mottagare:

Tell Obama to end Thousands of live animals are shot, stabbed, dismembered, burned, and poisoned every year in Department of Defense (DoD) training exercises designed to train medics and infantry in how to treat human battlefield injuries. PETA and thousands of our supporters have asked President Obama to issue an executive order requiring the DoD to replace animals with non-animal methods. These methods, including rotations in military trauma hospitals and the use of the DoD's own Combat Trauma Patient Simulator, are readily available and already in use at several military installations.

Please send a polite e-mail to your Congressional representative asking him or her to urge President Obama to extend his ban on torture to include animals used in military training and issue an executive order requiring the DoD to replace the use of animals in trauma and chemical-casualty training exercises with available non-animal methods.

I am a member of and posted your petition. Here are a few more
signatures to add to the cause.Thank you for your efforts and for reading this letter. Peace.
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