Petition to Release Croatian Generals Ante Gotovina & Mladen Markac

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Petition to Release Croatian Generals Ante Gotovina & Mladen Marka
The issue at hand is Croatia's sovereignty. Due to the many failures of the HDZ, SDP, HNS and others within Croatia's political sphere, Croatia does not have the rule of law nor does it have an independent judiciary. Hence, the lack of moral authority and widespread corruption provides an excuse for the European Union (EU), the United Nations (UN) and Croatia's enemies to push Croatia's patriots to the Hague. Croatians are pressing for bold principled changes.  
The UN Security Council's Resolution 808 in 1993 and the subsequent decisions led the to the establishment of an 'ad hoc court'. Now some nearly 20 years later and hundreds of millions of dollars, the 'ad hoc' institution funded by U.S. taxpayers continues to embolden a political institution against U.S. policy. 
Our position is that that Croatia should immediately and completely withdraw from the Hague with the release of General Gotovina and any Croatian citizen, create an independent court in Croatia to address issues related to Croatia's liberation war assisted by visiting U.S. judges that understand the importance of the rule of law, sovereignty and the U.S.' supportive role in freeing Croatia from the invasion of Yugoslavia/Serbia.
Moreover, we can no longer trust Croatia's government, its prime minister, president or the political parties represented in Croatia that are vying for its own special interest.  
We the undersigned request the immediate release of Croatian Generals Ante Gotovina & Mladen Markac
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