We, the undersigned, are petitioning the Old Dominion University Chief of Police, Mr. Rudolph Burwell and University President, John R. Broderick to allow responsible students, faculty, and staff members with Valid Concealed Carry Permits to maintain their Second Amendment Right, and be permitted to carry firearms onto the Old Dominion University campus to ensure their safety as well as the safety of others. We, the undersigned, feel the awareness that students and faculty, may be armed will deter criminals from attacking our campus community, as they have so vigorously done in the recent past.
ODU Students for a Safer Campus
We, the Old Dominion University student body, are petitioning to allow responsible students, faculty, and staff members with Valid Concealed Carry Permits to maintain their Second Amendment Right.
Amendment II
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
Dear Students, Faculty, Staff, and the surrounding community,
Since the rate of violent crimes against students has recently escalated at Old Dominion University, we, the student body, would like to create a safer, more secure campus environment. Since August 30th of this year, there have been 64 cases of larceny, four robberies, and eight cases of assault (as of September 29th, 2010). *
We are NOT petitioning for Old Dominion University to transform into the "Wild West". We simply want criminals in our community to know that we are no longer standing for victimization on our campus and against our student body.
We feel that there are no significant differences between carrying a concealed handgun on a the Old Dominion University campus and carrying a concealed handgun in an office building, shopping mall, restaurant, grocery store, bank, or movie theater (a few of the places Concealed Carry Permit holders are currently permitted to carry concealed handguns).
Therefore, responsible members of our college community should be permitted their Second Amendment Right.
The Old Dominion University College Republicans
Sean Greenwalt
Secretary of Old Dominion University College Republicans
(571) 247-3414
Various campuses across the country have allowed concealed carry for months, even years and have had no incidents of violent crimes committed by students against students nor have their been increased suicides due to the allowances of firearms on campus. In fact, Guns on campus WILL NOT lead to an escalation of violent crime.
Since the fall semester of 2006, Utah state law has allowed licensed individuals to carry concealed handguns on college campuses. Concealed carry has also been allowed at Colorado State University since 2003 and at Blue Ridge Community College (Weyers Cave, VA) since 1995.
After allowing concealed carry on campus for a combined total of one hundred semesters, none of these twelve schools has seen a single resulting incident of gun violence (including threats and suicides), a single gun accident, or a single gun theft.*
*http://www.concealedcampus.org/common_arguments.php Accessed September 30th, 2010
* Miller, Stuart. "Crime Hits Close to Home." Mace & Crown [Norfolk, VA]. September 29th, 2010, Vol. 52, Issue 5, Front Page.
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