Boycott BP

Time For A Boycott!



BP logoAmpm logoArcogas logoAmoco Ultimate logo


If you live in the United States and buy fuel at any of these businesses, you are supporting and enabling the company responsible for what is likely the worst oil spill disaster in our history.  It is time we stop supporting BP.  In fact it is time we say no to big oil and spend our money on alternative energy and fuel technologies.


Today is the one month anniversary of of the explosion of the Deep Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf Of Mexico.  BP reported today that the small tube they have stuck in one of the leak sites is bringing 5000 barrels of oil a day to the surface to apparently be pumped into tankers and hauled away.  They are are still claiming that only 5000 barrels of oil is leaking into the gulf, though most expert estimates are anywhere between 25000 and 80000 barrels per day.  It is likely that the oil has reached the Loop Current to carry it into the Atlantic ocean.  Tar balls have started washing up in Key West Florida.  Test results are likely to confirm that this is from the Deep Horizon spill. A U.S. Energy Information Administration report from October 2009 states that there are  3,464 million barrels in the Gulf of Mexico Federal Offshore Oil Proved Reserves.  Hope they figure out how to plug this hole soon.


BP is being allowed to control cleanup operations in the gulf with assistance and some oversight from from the federal government.  One month after the spill they have yet to stop the leak tens of thousands of barrels of oil into the sea.  BP has dropped more than 500,000 gallons of Corexit 9500 an oil dispersant into the gulf as well.  Dispersants break the oil into small droplets that often sink and are allegedly less damaging to the environment.  In the Material Data Safety sheet for Corexit 9500 it indicates a low risk to humans and environment.  On Thursday the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a directive requiring BP to identify and use a less toxic and more effective dispersant from the list of EPA authorized dispersants.  Members of the board of directors of BP and Exxon both sit on the board of Nalco the company that manufactures Corexit.  


BP has a criminal record and a horrible safety record.  BP has two refineries that account for 97 % of all flagrant safety violations found in the refining industry.  We the people of the United States subsidize BP and other oil companies to drill our resources which is then sold on the open market for obscene profits.  All the  while BP fails to protect its to protect its employees and the public. The Federal Minerals Management Service now being broken up failed to collect millions in royalties, failed to regulate the industry properly, and had a more than cozy relationship with the industry.  Employees at the Denver MMS office were having sex and sharing cocaine with oil industry employees.  MMS employees accepted thousands of dollars in gifts and trips while industry employees accepted billions of dollars in energy contracts   Seems to me like we are paying them to rob us.  When do we fund our great American innovative spirit and create a new energy economy?


I will not spend my money at any company that sells BP's products.  I invite you to do the same.  Please sign this petition and pass it on.  Let's send the message to the oil companies that we are done with them.  Let's tell them that they must adapt to a new energy and fuel economy or go away.  










Deepwater Horizon Response Official Unified Command Home Page



COREXIT %uFFFD 9500 (EC9500A) Oil Spill Dispersant: Sales Brochure


COREXIT%uFFFD EC9500A Material Data Safety Sheet


U.S. Energy Information Administration Federal Offshore Gulf Of Mexico Proved Reserves


EPA: BP Must Use Less Toxic Dispersant


Osha Report On BP 2005 Texas City Refinery Explosion

2008 Scandal In Denver Minerals Management Office


BP Gas Station Finder: Find Places To Avoid In Your Neighborhood


We the signers of this petition affirm that BP's behavior and safety record are unacceptable.  We affirm that we will not support with our money any BP owned businesses or use any BP products.  We affirm that we will not support this criminal enterprise.
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