Need Conviction for Woman Who Stole 21 Dogs and Left in Hot Car in Hawaii

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Hawaii State Department, Hawaii Law Enforcement

Please sign and share this petition to make this woman accountable and punished for animal cruelty and abuse by keeping them in a hot, closed car and walking away!!!

A woman recently stole 21 small to medium-sized dogs from her daughter’s home, left them in a hot car for an extended period of time and was never convicted for her cruelty acts on these sweet precious animals.  They were not only dog-knapped but also left together in the care in seriously hot temperatures.

The car was parked in a lot in Honolulu with a lot of ruckus and barking going on. As a woman was walking by the area, she heard the relentless barking and followed the noise to a car packed with poodle-Pomeranian mixed dogs. 

The woman, Ms. Kat Linker noted that some of the dogs had the run of the car while others were caged in this hot, closed vehicle. Ms. Linker stated to the Hawaii News Now that the car “was completely steamed up. It was absolutely horrible and I knew there was something seriously wrong.”

After 911 were called, the car was opened to reveal the most rancid stench due to the animal’s urination and defecation.  There was no determination as to how long the dogs were left in the car in such heat without any water, and all were confiscated by Honolulu police.

It was determined that the car belonged to a 68 year old woman who took these dogs without permission from her daughter’s home.  The dogs were used for breeding purposes and the daughter had been searching for them.  As it turns out, not all the dogs were returned to the home where they were taken since the daughter violated the laws of only 10 dog limit per home.  However, what is more absurd is that this 68 year old woman is clearly guilty of not only stealing the dogs without permission BUT LOCKING THEM IN A HOT, CLOSED CAR. Yet she was set free without any charges!

If it were not for that passerby, Ms. Linker, the outcome could have been more devastating with illness and demise of some or all of the dogs.  It was a more fortunate outcome but this animal abuser should be jailed and convicted for this act of animal cruelty!  You know how hot it can be in Hawaii year-round which subjected these animals to severe heatstroke and possible demise.  Yet this animal abuser got a slap on the wrist and was let go without given any retribution. Please sign and share this petition as a way to demand this woman not only is accountable for stealing the dogs but especially for the cruel act of placing them in a hot, closed car and walking away!!

full story at

Hawaii State Department,  Hawaii Law Enforcement – Do you not see that this woman clearly broke the law, first by stealing live, living beings (despite the fact it was from her daughter who was also illegal), and worse, keeping them in a hot, closed car for an undetermined amount of time! Keeping any animal in a hot car is clearly animal cruelty and abuse but what are you doing to stop it??!!  Stricter laws and punishable consequences need to be put in place and practiced if such cruelty is to stop.  It is appalling that this woman was just let go without facing any jail time and fines for putting these animals in danger of heatstroke and demise! 

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