Barbaric killer of innocent bear must be punished

  • av: Ben Gor
  • mottagare: U.S. Department of Justice. U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001

A giant black bear is lured to its death before being speared by a hunter Josh Bowmar, who then leaves the animal to die a slow, excruciating death.

The horrific slaughter, which has even appalled fellow big-game hunters, was carried out by Josh Bowmar – who fitted a GoPro camera to his 7ft homemade weapon.

The American bodybuilder, 26, celebrated after fulfilling his bloodlust, before uploading his sickening footage to his YouTube channel. A giant black bear is lured to its death before being speared by a hunter Josh Bowmar, who then leaves the animal to die a slow, excruciating death. The horrific slaughter, which has even appalled fellow big-game hunters, was carried out by Josh Bowmar – who fitted a GoPro camera to his 7ft homemade weapon. The American bodybuilder, 26, celebrated after fulfilling his bloodlust, before uploading his sickening footage to his YouTube channel. This barbaric killer and his helpers  must me charched and punished.This is not a man, but a monster, and must be investigated and punished by the U.S. Dept. of Justice, and any other legal bodies that apply. Further, he should be banned from ever hunting or having anything to do with animals again.

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