Save Blackcurrant Island!

An all-tide boat ramp is being proposed for Blackcurrant Island, between Dingo Beach and Hydeaway Bay, within the world heritage listed Great Barrier Reef. The Reef is already under stress and the construction of a boat ramp and associated facilities (roadway, car and trailer parking, toilets, lighting) will be devastating to the local environment.
Blackcurrant Island is a small area of land, joined to the mainland via an isthmus. Engineers have recommended an 8.5m wide road along the beach to the isthmus and a 4.7m high, 15m wide roadway along the isthmus to Blackcurrant Island.
The island is surrounded by mangroves, seagrasses and coral reefs that provide shelter, feeding and nesting areas for dugongs, turtles, stingray, numerous fish species and other marine creatures. Turtles that are already endangered or vulnerable to extinction also nest on the adjacent foreshore. The impact of a boat ramp on these natural wonders will be catastrophic.
Dr Steven Miles, as the Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection and Minister for National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef can prevent this proposal from going ahead by working within the State Government to deny funding. Let him know your feelings.

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