Leonardo Dicaprio Should Cut Ties with Rape-Apologist Quentin Tarantino

Recently, shocking audio was released where Pulp Fiction Director, Quentin Tarantino defended the child rape allegations against his colleague Roman Polanski saying that the 13-year old victim that Polanski drugged and fed alcohol to before the assault "wanted to have it".

These statements are especially troubling in light of other recent allegations from actress Uma Thurmon that Tarantino forced her to perform a life-threatening car stunt and then his production company officials hid the footage in retaliation for her anger of the accident and her complaints about Tarantino's long term collaborator Harvey Weinstein's sexual abuse.

Enabling violence against women and making excuses for rape is simply unacceptable. And those close to Tarantino – like actor Leonardo Dicaprio – should take a stand and rebuke his awful behavior. Tarantino just announced that Leonardo Dicaprio has joined his next movie, based on Charles Manson, and this is a perfect time for Leo to show the world that he doesn't stand for Tarantino's bad behavior. 

Tell Dicaprio it's time to cut ties with Quentin Tarantino and drop out of his movie!

#TimesUp for sexual abusers – and for enablers like Tarantino. Sign the petition telling Leonardo Dicaprio to be an ally to women and take a stand against Tarantino's misogyny and rape-apology.

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