JUSTICE FOR EVA! Prove veterinary negligence!

After we lost our dog to what we feel is vet negligence and a lack of compassion we expressed our concerns to social media, only to discover we were not alone in our feelings and also our experience.. Here is our story.

Thank you State Avenue Vet for nothing...

Our family feels extremely let down by State Avenue Vet Clinic. Our innocent puppy is dead and they have shown no sympathy for something we feel was avoided and death was never a discussed outcome. Since December we have been taking our healthy puppy in because she suddenly started vomiting non stop. A week prior to having taken her for the vomiting she had her last shots which because of miscommunication on their behalf they gave our dog shots she had already had and did not need... They didn't charge us but they over vaccinated our dog on shots that were to soon to be given and she didn't need but reassured us that nothing would harm her.

After our dog became ill we asked numerous times if that would have caused it and they advised no. We honestly thought our dog had a foreign body(child toy maybe) and they did an ultrasound and said no... but just a week ago still with no answers I was informed they never checked her throat where a foreign body could have still been stuck... I don't know why we were charged full price for a test that wasn't conducted to its full potential.. They told us it could sit in her stomach for weeks or months and as she grew could pass or we would know if it needed to be taken out...

We had multiple blood tests done.. since December. no answers. Changed food. Nothing changed. Numerous medications... They kept reassuring us we were on the right path and kept telling us our dog could have allergies she maybe was sensitive. We have been in and out monthly.. We took every "thought" they provided and put 100 percent effort into correcting the situation.. This dog was apart of our family. We paid a lot of money for her and we gave the vet just as much money in costs for tests and visits and medication. I was also giving her vitamin injections because she the vet said she needed them...

I called the emergency line on Friday night at 8pm when our dog stopped being active. Dr. Shelley made me feel so out of place and kept telling me I wasn't listening.. which I was and have always been listening, our dog just wasn't getting better but they had earned our trust... of course I was worried and concerned for our dog... she seemed to be suffering... Dr Shelley told me she was not going to sit on the phone with me for an hour at 8pm on a Friday night while I continued to sound panicked and that it would be $260 to be seen and we would not solve the issue that night (which I felt we would have) and that it would take her 40 minutes to get to town... what did I want to do. Is it an emergency or not. I told her it was and she just kept referring back to money and seemed annoyed at me and kept telling me my dog sounded bloated. After telling me three more times that it was 8pm I felt like she just didn't care. She said to give the dog an Imodium and we would figure something out in the morning or Monday. Our poor dog was dead within hours of the Imodium. I told her our dog was having pain when being touched she just kept saying she has a bowl disease...

When we called to tell her our dog died and she was of no help she just told us that we chose to not have her ultrasound sent off for further diagnosis to rule out a foreign body... WE WERE NEVER TOLD OUR ULTRASOUND WAS NOT EXAMINED FULLY OR OFFERED TO HAVE IT EXAMINED IF THAT NEEDED DONE. Aren't they the vet? That's what we pay them for? As far as I'm concerned it should have been sent off and that is standard?!? That office took our money with no hesitation, they have obviously conducted tests that solved nothing nor found a solution and now we are heartbroken. Our dog was only 7 months old. She was happy and healthy and they let us down for something we pay them to do. There is no way to make it right and they have not offered to in any way. We did not know our dog would die from anything they even mentioned. The money we are out is a lot.... but the heart break we feel has left us to the point of not being able to cope. We have four children who can't understand and even we as adults can't accept..... As far as I'm concerned that clinic cares about the profit... not the quality of an animals life.

Also if you are the emergency line you should probably be closer to town.... or have another person in town be the emergency contact so things don't seem that inconvenient to your job.

Just because we live in rural North Dakota and have limited options compared to bigger cities does not mean we have to settle for anything less than everything.. Human or not. Help us stand up for a better North Dakota.


In regards to my post yesterday about State Avenue Vet — Although I am still very dissatisfied in my services, the loss of my dog, and the miscommunication I would like to fully clear up the circumstances in which have come from it. I was emailed my dogs complete medical file — I was told on multiple accounts (three times) that our ultrasound was not sent off. It has however been stated in the notes that it was, but that again is not what was told to me.. My dog was still over vaccinated on a shot she didn't need and my dog is still dead and I still have no answers. I am very aware that practicing medicine is not going to be one hundred percent all the time but I would expect at some point to find a decent explanation for the circumstances in which things are being evaluated. I understand people need to make money but there needs to come a time when that's not the first thing on someone's mind in a state of emergency. Be kind. Communicate. That's what I was asking for. Compassion. I had full commitment and trust with them. In light of all of this I have received an apology. I can't get my dog back and nothing will help ease that but I highly suggest people speak up in time of distress when you feel let down. It's not about bashing anyone or a business it's about standing up as a community and recognizing what doesn't serve a positive purpose. I didn't come to rant on Facebook first and my intentions were just simply put awareness out there.. People expressed their own experiences at their own will and it was sad to see the common complaints... I wanted to be heard and I expressed what was the truth on my experience until further notice which is as of now after seeing and receiving medical records. Thank you to everyone who sent support and sympathy. I hope the clinic does a better job of communicating and being more compassionate about certain situations. I also hope they can avoid over vaccinating dogs as more research becomes available with facts of it being dangerous. Thank you again for your time and best wishes to all of you and your preferred veterinarian choices. We have posted this update to Facebook in order to clear up any mistruths.... we stayed at first what we believed and now we can shed light on what we know for sure. The clinic has said unintended legal action could take place because they feel cyber attacked or that I have initiated cyber attacking but I just believe we shed light on a situation that needs to be brought to the attention of the community. Thank you for everyone's signature at this time and we hope to resolve more than just settling for anything less than everything. 

—— The Vet has threatened to take legal action accusing this situation of cyber bullying and being cyber attacked. When is enough, enough? 

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