Allow 14-Year-Old Kyle Thompson To Return To School And Drop All Charges Against Him

  • av: Judy Molland
  • mottagare: Farmington Hills School District

14-year-old Kyle Thompson was playing around in his freshman science class last March with a sheet of paper labeled "Hit List." His teacher saw what was going on, came over to take the paper, and a friendly tug-of-war ensued.

However, pretty soon, the teacher turned serious and grabbed the paper, pulling Kyle with her.

She subsequently had him turned over to the police; he was arrested, handcuffed, and charged with assault.

14-year-old Kyle Thompson was playing around in his freshman science class last March with a sheet of paper labeled "Hit List." His teacher saw what was going on, came over to take the paper, and a friendly tug-of-war ensued.

However, pretty soon, the teacher turned serious and grabbed the paper, pulling Kyle with her.

She subsequently had him turned over to the police; he was arrested, handcuffed, and charged with assault.

Thompson has been expelled from all Michigan schools for a year, and in addition may face jail time if convicted of assault.

This is zero tolerance gone horribly wrong.

Please take all necessary action to ensure that Kyle Thompson can return to school as soon as possible.

Thank you.

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