Greyhounds Are Sent To China To Be Used As "Puppy Making Machines"

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs & The Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Last year, animal activists rejoiced when news broke that the Canidrome in Macau — China's last greyhound racing stadium, had closed. But it turns out that animal lovers celebrated far too soon.

While the sport was officially banned, illegal race tracks still continue to thrive – and greyhounds continue to suffer and die within China's borders.

According to a recent expose, at least 40 former racing dogs from Ireland and the U.K. have been sold and exported to China in recent years. The dogs, which sell for thousands of pounds, are then used in racing dog breeding programs to produce the next generation of racing dogs in China.

When UK and Irish greyhound breeders sell their dogs to China, they are sending them to their deaths. Please sign and share to call on the governments of these countries to immediately stop issueing export permits to China for racing Greyhounds. 

Life as a racing dog is a horrific existence. 
Pairs of dogs are forced to breed over and over to make sure their owners get every last bit of value out of them before they die.

Charities that track the dogs that have been sold overseas say that several of the dogs exported have already died – either from mistreatment, malnutrition or, more horrifyingly, by being boiled to death and sold as dog meat after deemed not longer "useful" to breeders.

It is currently legal to export greyhounds to China, but that needs to change. China currently has no animal protections for pets. There is no punishment for those that mistreat them and dog and cat abuse is common. 

The U.K. and Ireland have strong animal cruelty laws because they believe animals deserve to be treated humanely. So why is it ok to allow them to be treated otherwise by sending them to somewhere else?

The only way to ensure British and Irish dogs don't suffer when they are sold overseas is to ban the export of dogs to any and all countries with weak or nonexistent animal protections. animal federal government to stop issuing export permits altogether.

Please add your name to the list and ask these governments to stop issuing export permits for their racing dogs. The UK and Ireland have a responsibility to protect its dogs from animal abuse whether in London, Dublin, or abroad. 

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