Let's get Roller Magic back for everyone

Let's face it, besides the kid parks or the skateboard park, the itty bitty water park or that Uno Park (which I know I am not interested in any of that..).. SO if you don't know how to ride a skateboard, and it's the middle of winter anyway, you're out of luck! There is nothing to do here especially in the winter.. besides the ice skating rink... How about we bring back Roller Magic for everyone in North Adam's and the surrounding areas???? I know many who love the idea, let's see how far it can go..  I remember having so much fun going there, as a teen, roller skating, hanging out with my friends, the snack bar, slush puppies, arcade games, and the place was always busy.. who remembers the old Arcade Room on Main Street, long ago?  Right on the corner of Main Street and American Legion Drive, across from the Holiday Inn?? I miss that place too.. Let's add that kind of scene to the Roller Magic!! Again, There's nothing around here besides those kiddie parks or the skateboard park and not everybody is intrested in that! This petition is for the City of North Adam's, too ask for some kind of funding and take over any available spot, here in town, maybe the old price chopper building on State road? Is there a big enough spot in Mass Moca? Or anywhere that's available, and if not, too build a place!  As tax payers, this is what we would like!!! Sign this petition and let's make this happen! Not only for our children but for everyone! I remember they had a "teen night," "18 and up nights" and mostly, nights were for everyone of all ages! Make admission cheap enough for everyone but enough to help keep it running! LETS DO THIS! The only roller skating arena we have is in Clifton Park, NY, "Guptills Arena," others even farther in New York, like Schenectady, Maybe a few near Boston some where and farther than that, Connecticut... Yeah, not everyone can get to these places! So let's Have this place open all day, everyday, have a DJ to play our favorite music, the snack bar with slush puppies, snow cones, chips with nacho cheese, and other varieties of snacks and beverages and I guarantee the place could stay busy!!! Id like to guarentee that these bored children and teenagers, wont be into so much trouble IF there was something they would like and a ROLLER MAGIC here in town to enjoy!! Any private investors to take part in this is a plus!!

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