Demand an end to Australia's Live Export

  • av: Connie Gamble
  • mottagare: Prime Minister of Australia: the Hon. Tony Abbott; Minister for Agriculture: the Hon. Barnaby Joyce,

Live cattle and sheep are being exported overseas to countries such as Jordan and Indonesia where the livestock are killed painfully and inhumanely. Why are we letting this happen?


As investigated by Animals Australia, there have been many cases in which Australia has exported livestock to their painful death. Cattle in Gaza, Mauritius, Egypt, Qatar, Israel and Indonesia. Sheep in Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Kuwait, Pakistan and Turkey. Goats in Malaysia. In the past Australian livestock have arrived in these countries, only to die a cruel and bitter death. 

And what is this with Tony Abbott, apologising for a temporary halt in the export of cattle to Jakarta? 

The situation is absolutely outrageous. We have the choice of sending animals to a cruel death, or not. And yet Australia sends cattle overseas? Unbelievable. 

Call for live export to be put to a rightful end. It is in our hands to be the voices for those who cannot be heard. Sign this petition. 

For them. 

[For reference, this is a detailed explanation of the incredible investigations put forth by Animals Australia: ]

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