Make Animal Abuse a Felony in all states for every convicted case of abuse.

  • av: Holly Hudson
  • mottagare: President Barak Obama, Congressman, and Representative.
This petition is to make animal abuse a felony in all states for every convicted case of abuse. The abusers need stiffer penalties and should also not be allowed to have another animal in their care. I furthermore would like to have an animal abuse registry for the abusers, so I know who they are and to watch out for the safety of my animal if they move into my neighborhood.
 Right now Idaho, Mississippi, North Dakota, and South Dakota do not have felony laws for animal abuse! Lets get this done to protect the innocent out there who depend on us.
 We the undersigned need your help to make all cases of convicted animal abuse a felony in every state. Right now  Idaho, Mississippi, North Dakota, and South Dakota do not have felony laws for animal abuse.
They are innocent,trusting, and loving victims who cannot defend themselves against such hateful acts. The people who abuse animals could also abuse a human and/or go on to abuse more animals if not properly punished for their inhumane acts.
We believe with the stiffer penalty of every convicted case of abuse in the country becoming a felony, this will help deter this behavior and keep our innocent ones safer.
We would also like to have an animal abuser registry to protect our animals from harm by knowing if an abuser moves into our neighborhood.
Thank you for taking the time to read our petition.
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