Save Frome's Historic Town Wall

    Did you know that Frome has its very own historic town wall that we believe dates back to the 17th or 18th Century and which is located in the town centre Saxon Vale site?
    This wall along with a number of other buildings of historical value are at risk of demolition and we want to ensure that that does not happen.
    Frome has the highest number of listed buildings in the whole of Somerset and a new theory predicts that it was once an important Anglo-Saxon capital.
    In February 2021, Acorn Property Services were granted permission to build on the famous and controversial Saxon Vale site. Whilst full legal consent has still not been given, Acorn have applied to knock down buildings on the site including the wall. It is time for Frome to stand up and say NO to the unprecedented destruction of our town's history and future potential.
    Please sign the petition now to ensure the most prosperous future for Frome and the uncovering of its exciting and important past.
    Save our town wall!

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