Ban the Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt from National Trust land.

Stop these vile hunters from illegally killing terrified young fox cubs by signing this petition! 

Members of this hunt were found guilty of illegal cub hunting
on the 9th of August 2012 at Derby Magistrates Court.

Video evidence taken by anti-hunt campaigners on the day showed the whole hunt to be 'cubbing'. This was the vile and ruthless method used to train the young fox hounds to kill foxes before the Hunting Act of 2004 was introduced.

Part of the traditional hunting country of this Derbyshire fox hunt are the National Trust properties of Calke Abbey, Kedleston Hall, and Ilam Park. Up until now the National Trust has allowed this hunt continued access to this land on the understanding that they were operating in a legal manner. This conviction shows that they have been operating illegally and they now have a pack of hounds which are dangerous to wildlife 7 years after the Hunting Ban.

We the undersigned, therefore request of The National Trust, that you remove access rights to your land for the Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt forthwith and any trespass on your land by the Hunt will be dealt with severely. 

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