End the Ivory trade in Hong Kong

  • av: Brenda Martinez
  • mottagare: Mr. Leung Chun-Ying, Chief Executive of Hong Kong

Currently Mr. Leung Chun-Ying, Chief Executive of Hong Kong is pushing a ban on the Ivory trade in Hong Kong in an effort to make it illegal. Hong Kong is one of the major sources of ivory for China. Signing this petition is in support of his efforts to convince the Hong Knog government to enact a ban on the Ivory trade in Hong Kong WHERE IT IS CURRENTLY LEGAL!! PLEASE, show your support to Mr. Chun-Ying's efforts! Thank you!


Mr. Leung Chun-Ying

Chief Executive of Hong Kong

Office of the Chief Executive

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

People's Republic of China

Tamar, Hong Kong

Telephone :  (852) 2878 3300

Fax :  (852) 2509 0580

E-mail :  ceo@ceo.gov.hk




Dear Mr. Leung Chun-Ying;


We the undersigned are a group of concerned people who have signed this petition to show our support of your current efforts to ban the import of Ivory. We encourage you and your government to act quickly to preserve the quickly disappearing elephant population. Elephants in the wild will be extinct by 2050 according to current projections. Please feel free to use this petition to demonstrate the worlds support in your efforts. We applaud your efforts and thank you for your time on this pressing issue.


Brenda S. Martinez M.A.


Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Hi everyone and thanks for your help. Can I ask one thing of you? Oh please? Can you share this on facebook so we can keep the momentum? Thanks so much!
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Thank you So much to those who have signed to support outlawing the sale of Ivory in Hong Kong! Please share the link to the petition on face book to keep the numbers rolling, we may save the elephants yet!
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