The streets of Alameda are an important part of our community. They allow children to get to school and parents to get to work. They bring together neighbors and draw visitors to neighborhood stores.
We applaud the City Council’s recent unanimous support for taking up the United States Department of Transportation’s “Mayor’s Challenge for safer people, safer streets.” We need you to continue to stand up for safety.
In taking this challenge, you spoke clearly that our streets ought to be designed for everyone – whether young or old, on foot or on bicycle, in a car or in a bus – and that the old ways of designing them only for speeding cars or creeping traffic jams were in the past. In doing so, you took a strong stand for creating an even more livable community for people to live, play, work, and shop.
At some point, most of us are pedestrians, drivers and bicyclists.
By signing we support:
The streets of Alameda are an important part of our community. They allow children to get to school and parents to get to work. They bring together neighbors and draw visitors to neighborhood stores.
We applaud the City Council’s recent unanimous support for taking up the United States Department of Transportation’s “Mayor’s Challenge for safer people, safer streets.” We need you to continue to stand up for safety.
In taking this challenge, you spoke clearly that our streets ought to be designed for everyone – whether young or old, on foot or on bicycle, in a car or in a bus – and that the old ways of designing them only for speeding cars or creeping traffic jams were in the past. In doing so, you took a strong stand for creating an even more livable community for people to live, play, work, and shop.
At some point, most of us are pedestrians, drivers and bicyclists.
I support:
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