Save Clark Conservation District – protect our water and land NOW!

Clark Conservation District will close their doors soon unless the County Council adopts a modest fee of $5/parcel/year.  The District provides essential services that protect our water, soil, fish and wildlife by working collaboratively with land owners throughout the county.  The District does voluntary, incentive based work and is non-regulatory.  They have served this county since 1942 relying largely on grants that are no longer available.  

The District provides technical assistance and funding for the conservation and improvement of water quality, farmland, and fish habitat.  They provide one-on-one site visits to your property to help you conserve your natural resources.  The District restores fish runs by replacing old, failing culverts with bridges that allow salmon to return to their historic spawning grounds.  They have a yearly affordable native plant sale that provides thousands of native plants to the County.  They have low-cost rentable farm equipment to keep farmers farming.

We the undersigned ask that Clark County Council take immediate action to support a $5/parcel/year fee to keep Clark Conservation District services available throughout our county.

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