We wish to thank the Kerala Forest Department for their quick positive action in Prasad's case!

A few days ago it came to our attention that temple elephant Prasad had been illegally transferred from Kannur to another state, named Thrissur. A petition was made, a letter was sent and Sangita Iyer was asked to intervene as well. She made some phone calls that resulted in the Assistant Conservator of Forests (Social Forestry), Kozhikkode to issue to notice to the owner to shift the animal to Kannur with proper medical care and also informed the Assistant Conservator of Forests (Social Forestry), Thrissur the above said Elephant should not be allowed to use in the Pooram festival scheduled in first week of May."

A vet went to examine the elephant and wrote the following report: Regarding the Elephant Prasad, As per the direction Assistant Conservator of Forests (Social Forestry), Kozhikkode inspected the Elephant in person along with veterinary surgeon on 26.04.2017. He informed that the Elephant was owned by President, Sree Sundareswara Temple, Talap, Kannur but presently housed at Theruvathukadavu nearby Ulliyeri in Kozhikode. On inquiry, it was found that the Elephant was planned to be transported to Kozhikkode for the purpose of taking part in Pooram festival scheduled at first week of May at Thrissur. During the travel it developed violent behavior; hence it was housed at Ulliyeri which is very close to one of the Elephant mahout (Sri. Sreejith K. P.) residence on 15.04.2017. On that day it broke the chain and started running amok, based on the information of public the Police and Range Forest Officer, who visited the spot. With the help of the forest department, the Elephant was controlled without any issues.
The Assistant Conservator of Forests (Social Forestry) informed that presently the Elephant is housed at Ulliyeri, Kozhikkode and looking normal. He took the Veterinary Surgeon Naduvannur Veterinary Dispensary for examination. The Veterinary Surgeon reported that the Elephant is looking apparently healthy and free from symptoms of any contagious disease at the time of examination on 26.04.17."
As many of you may have heard, Prasad ran amok on April the 16th, he was brought under control. But regardless, they were planning to use him for Trissur Pooram festival. THERE WAS GLOBAL OUTCRY WITH 33,000 SIGNATURES THAT Rita Claessens Susan Bouchard Diana Munoz Manoj Kamanat Madhavan collectively gathered. They sent the petition, but still, nothing happened. They contacted Sangita and she immediately contacted the highest authorities!
They launched an investigation:
They visited Prasad immediately with a vet for a medical inspection.
They gave no permission for him to be paraded in Thrissur Pooram
They ordered to bring him back to the temple in Kannur where he is based.

We therefore wish to thank the Kerala Forest Department for their quick response and their excellent investigation and for doing the right thing and taking the right decision in this case.

Dear Sirs,

 All the people who have signed this letter, are probably the same who signed the former petition in an outcry for help for Prasad.

This time however, these people have signed again because they want to express their gratitude and respect for the Kerala Forest Department for their quick response that resultued in an investigation, a medical inspection, a prohibition in parading Prasad in Pooram Thrissur and in an order to bring him back from Thrissur to Kannan, where he belongs. We are very pleased to see that by working together and asking for help, the Kerala Forest Department shows their will to end the atrocities against elephants and to make sure that the laws will be followed and for keeping him safe.

Kind regards

Rita Claessens

Elephant Freedom Fighters


Uppdatera #17 år sedan
This petition and petition letter to express our gratitude for the quick action of the Forest Department in Prasad's case has been handed over. This petition will be closed now!
Thank you for signing.
Rita Claessens
Elephant Freedom Fighters
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