Demand Justice for This Butchered Dolphin

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

A shocking act of animal cruelty was revealed when a mutilated dolphin washed up on a Jersey Shore beach. The poor dolphin's body showed signs of being intentionally and severely butchered. This heinous act not only violates the Marine Mammal Protection Act but also is an alarming disconnect from our environmental ethics and responsibilities as humans.

Sign the petition to demand the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) use every resource to find out what happened to this innocent dolphin!

The common dolphin, though not endangered, is protected under strict laws designed to preserve our marine biodiversity. Federal wildlife authorities are already on the case, but they need to use every available resource to bring the perpetrators to justice. Authorities must act swiftly to ensure that justice is served and to deter future atrocities against marine life.

Join us in standing up for marine life and demanding that our government agencies enforce the laws designed to protect these majestic creatures and work to prevent future acts of brutality. 

Sign the petition to demand that NOAA find those responsible for the death of this dolphin and hold them accountable!

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