New Fire Pro Wrestling For all Consoles (SPREAD IT AROUND)

Hello wrestling fans, We would want a great wrestling game on the PS4, Xbox one, PS Vita, 3DS, WiiU, and PC so how about a NEW Fire Pro Wrestling Game spike:). We have a huge demand for this amazing game. Its an amazing game what deserves to be played not just on consoles, but on the go (PS Vita/3DS). It will bring more life to the vita and 3DS, and it will please individuals with this huge variety of systems. The beauty about this game is you can be happy with it on any system of this huge selection.  I would hope they release it on all systems including PS4, XBOX ONE, PS Vita, Ninentdo 3DS, WiiU, PC.  I want to thank you all for the support and feedback! I couldnt of made this happen without you guys! Much Love and I hope they bring our wishes true with the systems listed above:). I am a huge Vita fan, and this is the missing game in my opinion.  Everyone travels, some for pleasure and some for work.  Imagine playing this game on the road with great features!! The vita can do that! Then at your house you can play on the big screen with a group of buddies, have a giant party, or at work play on your PC ;).  The beauty about this game is, the graphics are the same no matter what, so it should be easy to put them on all these systems:).  I would pay whatever for the ps vita version!! Lets keep pushing guys!! Much love! I will continue increasing the petition as it keeps maxing out!!!! 

Us Fire Pro Wrestling fans would LOVE to see this new game return to all these systems, its just an amazing idea:).  I am sure us fans have a lot of great ideas for the new game, if so comment some ideas or reach out to spike.  I would love ladder matches, table matches, a lot more variety of weapons.  Maybe a backstage mode if possible, if not no biggie. I know for a fact the fans want more match types, i am sure more slots for creatable wrestlers, I would say an online mode would be nice,espcecially for the portable ones on the go:).  And a place where you can just download individuals creations for example rings, ropes, turnbuckles, ring skirts, logos, updated moves, additional moves and wrestlers.  Its been about 10 years since the last one was made.  You add some updated features like listed above, we should be good for a while

*P.S. I gave a huge selection of systems so it can please everyone:), we all have certain wants, I love the idea of a portable on the go.  Some individuals might not like the idea of the vita or 3DS, but thats why we have other systems mentioned.  I know so many people who still play the GBA Fire pro and wish they had it on their vita/3DS:). So us Fire Pro wrestling fans would LOVE a new Fire pro wrestling game:).  PLEASE CONTINUE TO RETWEET IT OR WORD OF MOUTH:).

#ThankYou #Support #DopeFanbase #TheBestFansInTheWorld



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