Brazilian trans woman is brutally murdered on video: demand justice!

A video of six men brutally murdering a trans woman named Dandara in Brazil has just surfaced. The circulation of the video helped police identify the men, but now we need to demand that justice is served for this horrific crime!

In the video, the men drag 42-year-old trans woman Dandara from her home, kicking her and beating her with wooden planks while yelling transphobic and homophobic things at her (warning: graphic content). Dandara pleads for her life, and the men eventually put her in a wheelbarrow to cart her off and murder her. 

This is an absolutely unacceptable, but all too common violent murder of a trans person. As a global community, we must keep the pressure on the Brazillian government to fully prosecute these men and create harsher penalties for such crimes. 

Please sign the petition to demand justice for Dandara!
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