Save Tigers

Tigers once ruled the jungles of Asia. Today, only 3,200 survive in the wild – due to decades of merciless poaching.If we don't speak up, poachers will continue to hunt wild tigers and their prey until the tally falls to... zero.

Poachers can be stopped in their tracks, but only when conservationists have the resources they need.

Poachers can be stopped in their tracks, but only when conservationists have the resources they need.

The Save Vanishing Species stamp does just that – raising a remarkable $1.58 million dollars for tigers and other wildlife in just one year – all at zero cost to the American taxpayer.

But now the stamp is up for renewal, and Congress may let it expire – putting vital tiger conservation work at risk.
Help us send 100,000 letters to Congress. Tell your representatives to stand up for tigers and renew the Save Vanishing Species stamp before it's too late.

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