Factory Farms Are Spreading Bird Flu, But Taxpayers Are Bailing Them Out of the Disaster They Caused

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. federal government
We already know that factory farms are terrible for animals' wellbeing. But now we're learning that it's also extremely dangerous for human health. This is especially true at commercial Big Agriculture poultry farms. A highly lethal form of avian influenza has been gaining traction worldwide since 2021, leading factory farms to cull upwards of 82 million birds in the past 2 years.

Factory farms are a chief contributor to the spread of horrible diseases. This should be a clear indication to Big Ag that their model isn't working, and changes need to be made. Instead, American taxpayers are being forced to foot the bill for factory farms' irresponsibility - bailing them out to the tune of half a billion dollars in 2023 alone.

Sign the petition to demand an end to this corporate welfare! Giant corporations should face the consequences for their own mess, not receive government handouts that just incentivize them to keep using the same disease-spawning approach.

These overcrowded, unsanitary conditions are the ideal breeding ground for infectious pathogens to mutate and spread wildly, rapidly moving from animal to animal - and then to humans.

Yet the American people are the ones funding these dangerous poultry conditions. It's highly possible that the next pandemic could erupt from one of these mutations spreading to humans. We don't know yet, but it's a risk that Big Ag seems willing to take.

Instead of taking smart measures to keep animal enclosures clean, spacious, and safe, factory farms are just killing off entire flocks of animals in one go. And the way the farms kill these animals is grotesque: handlers increase the heat inside barns with thousands of animals still inside, until they overheat to death. The process generally takes three to five hours, with the animals literally cooking to death inside.

American taxpayers should no longer be footing the bill for this foolishness. Big Ag corporate welfare is hurting the American people, public health, and animals. We must demand an end to government funding for giant corporations' unsafe poultry farming approaches! Sign the petition now.
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