Stop the Needless Torture and Slaughter of over 2 million Australian Cats

The Government plans to spend almost 7 million dollars to kill Australia's cat population. This money would be better spent offering free desexing of cats to all low income families and animal rescue shelters. It is a waste of resources and will not help, before long the same situation of overpopulation will occur. The problem needs to be dealt with at the source by desexing. This method of poisoning, baiting and shooting is not only cruel and inhumane but will be ineffective and a waste of money. There is a problem but there is a better way. Lets petition the government to do it the right way that actually solves the problem but avoids the harm and hurt. Lets stop this animal holocaust from happening. Please sign and share far and wide. With your support together we can make that difference and be the chance and voice for animals.

We do not accept that this is the correct way to tackle the problem and demand that the money be reallocated to provide free desexing to low income families and animal rescue. The Australian Public do not and will not support this. You must do the right thing.

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