Stop the senseless shredding of baby chicks!

  • av: Roxy Zino
  • mottagare: South African Poultry Association

Every second we wait these poor chicks are murdered..

Chick culling is a very real, cruel and unthinkable practice that maybe you were not aware of.
Prior to the development of modern broiler meat breeds, most male chickens (cockerels) were slaughtered for meat, whereas females (pullets) would be kept for egg production. However, once the industry bred separate meat and egg-producing hybrids, there was no reason to keep males of the egg-producing hybrid. As a consequence, the males of egg-laying chickens are killed as soon as possible after hatching and sexing to reduce losses incurred by the breeder.

The following methods are deemed acceptable by SAPA:
• Maceration, using a large high-speed grinder into which the live chicks are fed.
• Gases or gas mixtures, often carbon dioxide is used to induce unconsciousness and then death.
• Cervical dislocation (breaking the neck)

Scientists and animal rights campaigners have teamed up in Germany to come up with an alternative option to the mass-slaughter of male chicks born into the country's egg industry each year. New technology looks set to determine the sex of each fertilised egg before the chick inside develops — enabling the removal of all male-identified eggs from the hatchery, and leaving only the female eggs to hatch.

This mass slaughter must be put to an end and should not be allowed to continue!

I implore each and every one of you to help prevent this cruel and terrible practice.

The question is not, "Can they reason?" nor, "Can they talk?" but rather, "Can they suffer?" ~Jeremy Bentham

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