P&G admit that guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, rats and mice are among the animals used in their ‘product safety research’, as well as cats and dogs in pet food experiments
Procter & Gamble exist for one reason, and one reason only - to make as much money as possible. P&G test on animals because of their desire to get new chemical ingredients on to the market. This allows them to claim that their new hair dye, skin cream or washing powder etc. is ‘new, improved’, in the hope of increasing sales. But with many companies producing similar consumer products without carrying out animal tests, it shows that P&G’s cruelty is motivated by greed.
Obviously, P&G realise that their behaviour appals most people. Sadly, instead of reforming, P&G invest enormous amounts in PR and spin that aims to give a rosy impression of their testing practices. P&G have even been lobbying governments to try to block bans on animal testing for cosmetics that have public support. Now, Uncaged’s investigations have uncoveredP&G’s outrageous plans to carry out massive animal testing programmes for new cosmetics and household product ingredients.
P&G has been known as of late to have been a major part of Animal Testing, even though they are starting to "change" and "deny" that they ever were apart of animal testing and wanting to aim for a better future where they are becoming anti-animal cruelty and anti-animal testing etc. (as can be found at this link: http://www.pg.com/en_US/sustainability/point_of_view/animal_welfare.shtml) but why am I choosing to still petition this? Because P&G are still choosing to be animal testing their products unfairly onto animal's,
These animal's, when tested on, often get severe injuries that cause them to get terminal and the same people who tested their productes on these animal's, put them down and kill these animal's when they simply "aren't useful anymore".
This being said, P&G rarely care about what happens to these happens (if they care at all) and only think much more about profit's then animal's and the general public's own safety. Now, as I much love to see that P&G are changing their ways, it's simply not good enough... YET!
But with your support, we can manage to support a better future and not let those animal's just die without being acknowledged and fought for to save future animal's!
As someone who has been recently more focused on lab testing on animal's I find this a great oppotunity for me and my fellow memebers to stand up and make a change for the greater to one of the major animal cruetly cases for every company.
Now, as stated, P&G does acknowledge the fact they have tested and continue to test on animals and they were it almost as a simple of pride, which I see no pride in this case what-so-ever on their side. But has P&G cared about changing? It may seem that way, but they haven't changed much but their view from the public eye. Me as a part of the public, choose not to fall into manipulative lies that are said just to fool the public so companies can continue to get money and power. I refuse to and I'd much love to work towards seeing P&G run by people who are honest, hard-working and against animal cruetly and testing 200%. Animal Testing and cruelty needs to end for the better and for good!
So help me, make a change and make a major difference! I ask that you stand by me and sign my petition, contact the CEO and the people of P&G to change their ways for the better and just face the facts that they need to, or shut down their company for good, which ever is easiest for them to do better.
Links: (note: timezones and able to contact may vary)
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