Another Millionaire Wants to Strip a River of Its Water

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
The former CEO of Phillips 66, the oil company, is trying to dam up a beloved Texas river. Why? So he can use it for swimming and boating. The move is so greedy and environmentally irresponsible, it resembles something a comic book supervillain might try to pull.

But communities along the Llano River are fighting back. And the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality must listen!

Sign the petition to demand the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality reject this application!

If approved, the dam would create six Olympic-sized pools on this single greedy man's private property.

As activists have pointed out, unnecessary dams are dangerous for local ecosystems. They slow the river's natural flow, divert resources, and causing a slew of environmental problems for the species that rely on natural watersheds. Additionally, multiple counties depend on the Llano River as their residents' main source of water - so any changes could have huge consequences.

To make matters worse, if the Commission were to approve this dam, it sets a scary precedent for water use - and hoarding - by the ultra-wealthy. How many other private dams would it also approve in the future, draining rivers of their water and harming an untold number of species and communities in the process?

Climate change already threatens the health of our rivers.

The last thing Texas needs is another oil executive accelerating that process. If you agree, sign the petition!
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