The 4th cleanest country in the world giving in to trash? Too many better alternatives that can convince the government.

The Norwegian government recently approved the implementation of what could be one of the most destructive projects for the natural heritage of Norway. Up to 6 million tons of mining trash is planned on being dumped into the Førdefjord, one of the cleanest fjords in all if Norway.

The Førdefjord is essential to the biodiversity of the surrounding nature. This project would destroy all life in the fjord, and further endanger some species on the red list. Additionally, this could set a dangerous precedent for the wildlife in Norway, while also destroying Norway’s international position as an environmental friendly country.

So what can we do?

Alternative solutions provide not only the answer to the problem, but create jobs while doing so. Many of the trash from mining have ways of being eradicated safely. Exporting the trash is also an option that should not be overlooked! Germany and Sweden are on board, why not expand our markets?

The Førdefjord is our warning flag. It is in our hands to save its future!

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