Demand the Justice Department investigate Jared Kushner for shady investments from the Saudis!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: United States Department of Justice

Six months after leaving the White House, Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner secured a $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia to his new private equity firm, despite the fact that he has no experience in private equity.

The enormous handout to a man who continuously fails at everything he puts his hand to raises some serious questions about what exactly Jared Kushner did for Saudi Prince Mohamed bin Salman during the Trump era.

Call on Attorney General Merrick Garland to probe Kushner and his suspicious dealings with Saudi Arabia!

Kushner traveled to Saudi Arabia several times during his time as a White House official, including an unannounced visit during which he spent many nights with bin Salman allegedly "planning strategy."

He is suspected of having given US intelligence to bin Salman on dissidents in the Saudi government, which was then used to carry out a brutal crackdown that included the torture and murder of Maj. Gen. Ali al-Qahtani. On top of that, Kushner personally advised bin Salman on how to "weather the storm" after Washington Post journalist Jamal Kashoggi was murdered and dismembered at bin Salman's orders.

Now he's being rewarded with a fat payday. What else did Kushner do for the Saudis? Justice demands answers.

Demand the Justice Department investigate Jared Kushner for shady investments from the Saudis!

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