Non-profit Dog Sanctuary

  • av: Debbie Swenerton
  • mottagare: Bernalillo County Zoning Department and Bernalillo County Animal Welfare Department

An anonymous individual is currently circulating a petition to encourage Bernalillo County Animal Welfare Department and Zoning to deny a revised 'Conditional Permit' Our current permits expire in one year. We chose to revise the wording in order to match the changes we have in mind for the future of our sanctuary.

My commitment to the welfare of all animals in the state of New Mexico especially in my own county Bernalillo is a daily priority. My husband Steve and I have worked tirelessly 24/7 to maintain and manage our sanctuary to meet any and all zoning and county laws and ordinances. We have current 'Conditional Use' and 'Multiple Animal' permits which expire next May 15, 2015.

The dogs residing on our property are all spayed and neutered, vaccinations are current, they are all micro-chipped, they all have Rattlesnake vaccine for the for the fourth year in a row and they recieve regular veterinarian care from Western Trails Vet Hospital near Edgewood NM. Dr. Thornton and Dr. Hutsel are our regular vets and they treat our animals when ever necessary.

Twenty years ago when we moved to the east mountain area we arrived with one dog. All these years later through circumstances we now have 13 dogs we considered foster animals. We now consider them family members and residents of our sanctuary. 

One year ago on April 1st, 2013 my 86 year old disabled mother moved in with us along with her four small dogs. They are also spayed, neutered, micro-chipped, vaccinations current and recieve regular veterinarian care at Western Trails Vet Hospital near Edgewood NM.

We ask that our the neighbors living near our home support our sanctuary. This was never our life plan it simply happened. The county and city shelters in Albuquerque are spilling over with abandoned, neglected and abused animals. Animal Humane has refused the stray and or dumped animals we've found on the road saying, "We don't take animals from the east mountain area" This is a direct quote from Barbara Bruin East Side Animal Welfare Department and Animal Humane Association of NM. 

Our goal is to decrease our population in the near future. This will occur naturally as at least six of our dogs are seniors. One has Diabetes and is 9 years old. Another has thyroid problems he takes pills for twice a day. Another dog has pancreatic troubles and is on a strict no fat diet. Our Boxer has had two major surgeries to his neck and rear left ankle. His injuries due to neglect and chaining as a puppy until he was 11 months old. Sunny is six and suffers from misaligned eyes. Feo is 15 years old and can barely walk. I hope you get the picture.

Please allow us to keep our sanctuary. We are committed to the care and maintenance of our animals and our property and we will work to meet your expectations or address any concerns.

We invite you to visit anytime. Just call you let us know you're coming (505-281-2045)

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
One of you asked, "What are the charges" There are no 'charges' this anonymous person is circulating a petition to sink our 'Dog Sanctuary' They live at least a mile from our home and sanctuary.

Stated on the petition: "We moved out here for peace and quiet not to live next to a dog sanctuary.

My husband hold two permits: Conditional Use and Multiple Animal. Our permits expire next May 15, 2015. We plan to renew before that time.

Thank you all for your support!
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