Save Manta Rays from Extinction

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Dan Ashe, Director of US Fish and Wildlife Service and Eileen Sobeck, Head of NOAA Fisheries
Manta rays — some of the smartest, most elegant creatures of the sea -- are hurtling to extinction and they need our help!

Disappearing coral reefs, long reproduction cycles and an alarming increase in the demand for the gills of these unique creatures are pushing Giant Manta Rays, Reef Manta Rays and Caribbean Manta Rays to extinction. That's why conservationists are sounding the alarm and urging the US government to protect these three species of manta rays under the Endangered Species Act.

These manta rays are some of the largest in the world. They have huge brains that have earned them the reputation as the underwater genius. Yet, despite their size, manta rays are truly gentle giants — and they need our help.

Join the fight to save manta rays from extinction. Sign this urgent petition and tell the US Fish and Wildlife Service to protect manta rays under the Endangered Species Act.

Director Ashe and Assistant Administrator Sobeck,

I am writing in support of the petition to list Giant Manta Rays, Reef Manta Rays and Caribbean Manta Rays for protection under the Endangered Species Act. As you know, disappearing coral reefs, long reproduction cycles and an alarming increase in the demand for the gills of these unique creatures are all threatening these elegant creatures, and they need our help.

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Uppdatera #18 år sedan
petition with signatures and comments has been forwarded to Dan Ash at FWS. Thank you for your support and being a voice for these graceful, useful sea creatures.
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