BC: Stop the Grizzly Bear Hunt in the Great Bear Rainforest Immediately

Grizzly Bears are an iconic and important species in the Great Bear Rainforest, in BC. While the province has previously stated that it will stop the practice, as the hunting season approaches, it has done nothing to actually act on that promise.

First Nations across the area are vehemently opposed to the practice and are calling for immediate action. The bears must be protected to prevent any more deaths. Since 2001 it is estimated that over 150 bears have been killed.

Sign now to protect these majestic animals. By signing today you are helping to support First Nations efforts and protect these beautiful bears.

To Premier Christy Clark, 

As someone who cares greatly for wildlife in BC and who supports First Nations I am deeply concerned by the inaction of your government in the protection of Grizzly Bears in the Great Bear Rainforest. 

I urge you to immediately create legislation to ban the hunting of Grizzly Bears in the Great Bear Rainforest. This not only honours your previously stated commitment to doing so, but also honours the First Nations wishes and protects these iconic and important animals. 

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