Urge Governor Dayton to stop the Minnesota wolf hunt.

Minnesota wolves are slated to be hunted this November despite public opposition and the fact that their actual numbers are unknown.

Despite the claims by ranchers that wolves are taking their livestock, there were only 88 verfied livestock losses in 2011 due to wolves.

Wolves help keep the ecosystem healthy. It has been proven that wolves help keep diseases like Lyme disease under control in the wild.

Wolves are worth much more to Minnesota alive as they are a key ecotourism animal helping to bring in over $400 million dollars a year with their signature howl.

The Native American population of Minnesota believe that the wolf is the brother to Anishinaabeg and what happens to the wolf will happen to them. Therefore to hunt and kill the wolf would mean the death of the Anishinaabeg as well.

Please sign this petition before it is too late to stop this tragedy in the making.

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