Do Your Part to Preserve the Earth: Reduce Your Home Gas/Electricity Cosumption

  • av: J.L. Angell
  • mottagare: All Who Care About Preserving the Earth for Future Generations

Scientists tell us we cannot reverse global warming/climate change, but are limited to slowing its progression.  While our individual actions do not affect the equation significantly, collectively a lot of individual actions can make a difference.

Commit to reducing your personal power consumption by as much as possible as soon as possible.  Options include:

    • Setting your thermostat one or more degrees higher in the summer or running AC/swamp cooler a shorter time period each day
    • Setting your thermostat one or more degrees lower in the winter or running your heater a shorter time period each day
    • Investing in a time controlled thermostat if possible and setting to a lower consumption setting during sleep hours and when no one is at home
    • Unplugging (or turning off power strip) kitchen appliances (other than refrigerator) when not in use
    • Keep refrigerators/freezers full--with empty closed containers filled with air if nothing else
    • Only wash clothes and dishes with full loads
    • If you have one, use microwave instead of stove, oven or coffee pot for reheating
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