Roxy was locked up in a kitchen and abandoned by her owner - trainee lawyer Katy Gammon. Roxy spent six days clawing at the kitchen door until finally she went blind, slipped into a coma and died. The five-year-old boxer was eventually found, maggot-infested, 10 weeks later. The traumatised RSPCA inspector was forced to scrape this tragic creature off the floor with a shovel.
( Gammon is being sentenced on April 9. We want as many signatures as possible to ensure that she goes to prison and that poor Roxy gets justice. Thank you!
Dear Sir/Madam,
re: Katy Gammon - Sentencing Weds Apr 9, 2014; 'Roxy, the boxer dog, starved to death'
Attached herewith is a petition in connection with the above case. It has gathered 100,354 signatures since March 19. Please accept this on behalf of all the thousands of people across the world who have been saddened and distressed by Roxy's tragic ordeal.
We would be exceedingly grateful if you could forward this document to any relevant or interested parties.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Lee Gaskin
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